Why Did I Start Writing
Born and raised in New Orleans, LA, I grew up with a passion to read and write. In August of 2019, I faced challenges I never thought to. Those challenges encouraged me to express myself using some form of art— I chose poetry.
Publishing TFWB
TFWBAt the age of 22 I self-published my first book, The Flower Who Bloomed, on March 19, 2020. In just a year and some months later a second book was due.
Publishing ITIHR
ITIHRI Thought I Had Room, published January 4, 2022, exposes the growing pains I was nonetheless than forced to acknowledge. It embodies my inner womanism and the strength I possessed and continue to along the way.
Bloom At Your Own Pace
While The Flower Who Bloomed portrays my strong desire to bloom, I Thought I Had Room intervenes with a twist. I did not bloom just as I aspired to because I lacked room. To those of you undergoing your healing and growing journeys you are not alone. Heal at your own speed. Bloom at your own pace.